API Reference

The semanticizest API is not stable and may change without notice.


class semanticizest.Semanticizer(fname)

Entity linker.

This is the main class for using Semanticizest. It’s a handle on a statistical model that lives on disk.


fname : string

Filename of the stored model from which to load the Wikipedia statistics. Loading is lazy; the underlying file should not be modified while any Semanticizer is using it.


all_candidates(s) Retrieve all candidate entities from a piece of text.

Retrieve all candidate entities from a piece of text.


s : {string, iterable over string}

Tokens. If a string, it will be tokenized using a naive heuristic.


candidates : iterable over (int, int, string, float)

Candidate entities are 4-tuples of the indices start and end (both in tokenized input, and both start at 1), target entity (title of the Wikipedia article) and probability (commonness.)